Monday, May 21, 2012

Break From Reality

Last Friday, I got the blessing of saying hello to some of my very best friends.
Then Sunday afternoon, I had to say goodbye, once again, to those sweet friends.

Matthias and I are completely blessed; we have incredible friends and family who take the time to drive down and visit us. About once a month, we get to see a group of people who we love. Pretty sweet deal, I must say.

This weekend, my best friend Leneigh and old roommate Kirsten came down. With them were two of Matthias' best friends: Anthony (also Leneigh's boyfriend) and Keith.

My heart hasn't been so overwhelmed and full in a very long time.

There are a handful of moments from this past weekend that I've tucked away in my heart...

-Driving home from work, giddy and filled with anticipation to see their sweet faces.

-The first hug, tears and smiles.

-Staying up until 2 in the morning, listening to the boys play guitar in the dark.... Singing and worshiping our sweet God all night, just like we used to.

-The way my living room looks when I walk out early in the morning.... The boys sleeping anywhere they could find.... Couch, chair, next to the TV, under the table... I really do love that sight.

-Morning whispers with my best friend.

-Exploring. Mmmm, exploring.

-The helping hands of people who truly care.... Have I mentioned that I'm blessed?

-Driving down the country roads, singing along to our favorite Lady Antebellum songs. Smiling into the rear view mirror.

-Going on a quick hike, trying to beat the rain. Jumping for "Tarzan Vines" and running up the "You Can Do It" hill. Then running down the mountain, laughing with Keith, not able to get our legs to slow down.

-Laying, spread legged, on the bathroom floor while my husband and best friend dig a tick out of my inner thigh. So great.

-Going to church, singing with my sweet friends "...on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand... Til He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand..."

-Sitting in the back of Matthias' truck, riding with him, Anthony and Leneigh... Thinking, "So perfect, so perfect, so perfect."

-Hugs and sobbing into each others shoulders. Saying goodbye.

-Watching the car drive away, arms out the window and hearing "bye!" and "I love you!" The greatest and saddest sound.

Okay, that was more than a handful I guess.

To Anthony, Leneigh, Kirsten and Keith: Thank you for coming to stay with us. Never once did we feel like "hosts". We wish it could've lasted longer, but we are so very glad for our super fun weekend! I'm pretty upset that we didn't really get many pictures of our weekend.
You guys rock, and we love you.

Before they all drove away, we stood in a circle and said one last prayer. Matthias thanked God for the wonderful weekend and asked for their protection on the drive home. He used the phrase, "Thank you for this break from reality" and it has stuck with me since.

What used to be our every day reality is now just a 'break from reality'. It's amazing to me how life is changing. And also amazing is God's faithfulness through it all. Maybe, Lord willing, our every day reality will one day be similar to this weekend. Oh, how sweet that would be.

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