Thursday, May 3, 2012


Night and day.
That's all I can say to explain the comparison between our first apartment and our new apartment.

It's absolutely perfect.
Perfect for us.
Perfect for family and friends who visit.
Perfect for God's plans for us in the next year.
Perfect for our future as a little family.

Forget about the fact that there are boxes still unopened and rooms not decorated. Forget that my commute to work has gotten longer. Forget that I am still 3 states away from my family.
It's perfect.

My favorite so far has got to be the time spent with my husband on the balcony each night. The air is warm and we are surrounded by the quiet. The night sky shows off its stars and I simply lay in those sweet arms. I listen about his day, soak in his dreams, and we thank God for this home He's given us. I say a prayer that we will use this home to glorify God in every way that we can... That Love and Joy will be ever present here... That our hearts be filled with God's peace as we are starting a new life and a huge journey. And I fall asleep with my head and heart full of our dreams for this sweet life.

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