Saturday, April 21, 2012

Why I'm Happy Today

Aside from being a complete-over-the-top-more-than-usual-emotional-wreck the past couple weeks, I am taking a few moments to write about the things that are making me happy today.

Happy+Blessed+Overwhelmed+Excited+Stressed+Thankful = More Emotional... More Lumps in my throat and stinging in my nose, threatening to make me burst into tears at any possible moment.

Oh, it is so fun. Let me tell ya. Just ask Matthias.

Here's why I'm happy today.

1. Randomly waking up at 5:30ish THREE times this week with my husband. For no reason at all, our bodies just woke us up. Normally, this is an awful thing because I hate loathe waking up before my alarm goes off... but those sweet mornings cuddled up in the quiet have been very nice for us. Mmmm  (:  It's good for my heart to dwell on these simple moments with him.

2. Texting my not so little anymore  cousin, Jenna. She went to her Senior Prom last night. (Man, I'm getting old.) And she looked absolutely gorgeous. I honestly just teared up typing that last sentence about her being gorgeous... see, I'm a wreck. I can't express how proud of her I am and how much I hate that I have to be so far, watching these fun times through facebook and texting.
Sweet, sweet Jenna. Here's us when we were Little Bitties.
I just LOVE her face! And, I know you're jealous of my bangs.

3. Packing. We are moving in 9 days. It is a bittersweet thing. I love having something to do on Saturdays when Matthias is at work... and we are more than absolutely ready to be out of this apartment... but. It will always be 'Our First Apartment'. No matter how much we like it here or not, it's the first place we've ever lived together... The first place I've ever lived other than my parents house and a dorm room... Where we spent our first Married Holidays, Birthdays, etc. We talked (and I cried, of coarse) a little bit about this last night. We'll kind of miss this small little smelly crummy place. (We have too much stuff!)

4. Talking on the phone with my best friend in the world, Leneigh, for A WHOLE HOUR this morning. Yes, folks, it was marvelous. It's always great to hear her voice and talk each others ears off when we have a free second. And she doesn't get many of those; she's SO busy. The kind of busy where she's moving to THAILAND in less than 4 months. Holy cow. But that's all for another post.  God is amazing. So proud of her.

5. Last night we signed the Lease for the new apartment! Hip, Hip, HORRAY!

6. Also last night, Matthias and I watched the very last episode ever of Friends. (Greatest show ever to be on TV. Ever.) It took us 2 years, but we finished them all. No words to describe how empty we feel now. We are probably going to start back from Season 1 again pretty soon. Once we find and unpack the Movie Box.

7. Our wedding rings are currently at Kay Jeweler's getting their bi-yearly cleaning/inspection/rhodium-dipping! I am so excited to see my sparkly ring again! My finger is quite lost and confused without it.

8. Playing "Draw Something" with my wonderful Sis-In-Law, A'Lisa. So funny and entertaining.

9. Having a 'First Conversation Ever' with someone who I used to not like very much. I'm so thankful for her forgiveness, and the fact that God can take away the grudges I hold.

10. Big huge reason why I'm happy right here: God got rid of the spiders. I'm not kidding. The last one I saw/killed was a whole week ago. I've been praying hard that He would make them leave and not follow us to the next apartment. I believed He would, and He has. Incredible, He is.
I'm unbelievably thankful.

11. I was reading Leneigh's latest blog post this morning. (Go follow her story, please: just click that website!) And it was there that she broke out the most exciting news! She and Kirsten (another one of my best friends) are going to be driving down to visit us in just 27 days. I don't think I'll be able to contain my excitement for that long. I haven't seen Leneigh since our Tim Horton's date while Matthias and I were in Michigan for Christmas, and I'm pretty sure the last time I saw Kirsten was Thanksgiving-time, for breakfast at Bob Evans. Is that right?! WOW. Seriously, I cannot wait. Mark it on your calendars, people, and title it:  
"May 18-20th: Coolest Weekend Ever, Since The Last Coolest Weekend, Of Coarse."
 Love love LOVE them!

And last but not least, number 12. The delicious bean dip I'm going to make tonight. YUM.

Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things! Psalms 98:1

Congratulations to you if you made it the whole way through this post.

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