Thursday, April 12, 2012

Family, Spiders, Broken Bones, and Scuba

What a crazy week it has been. My in-laws drove down to visit for Easter weekend. So sweet. With them came my brother (Drew) and one of Matthias' brothers (MacKenzie).
What a great weekend we had...

 Impromptu Picnic in the Kroger parking lot with Daddy Frank.
The Brothers. Still asleep. As always.

Literately, we look like dwarfs.
And what in the heck is my left foot doing?!

And now.
Since then... much has happened. Actually, an unbelievable amount of 'much' has happened, people. In fact, all the 'much' actually deserves its very own post. But oh well...
- Monday. Normal day. Ate lots of leftovers.
-Tuesday. Not a normal day. I came home from work to discover that the infestation of some pretty poisonous spiders in our little apartment is back... Back with vengeance. I proceed to scream, do the icky deadly spider dance, kill that fiddle-marked sucker, and swear to myself and Matthias that I AM DONE. And that we are leaving this apartment as soon as possible. So I pack until the wee hours of the night like a crazy lady.
-Wednesday. My awesome husband handles the problem wonderfully. He calls our apartment's office.... And (long story short) they are going to let us leave early (our lease isn't up until August) and they waived the absolutely ridiculous early termination fee! We only have to pay rent for May, which is less than half of what the fee was. God is good. We have 30 days to be out, but Matthias set the 'Goal Move Out/In Date' to the 23rd... APRIL 23RD. Um, that's 11 days. Eleven.
(Also, I just realized that it's Anthony's birthday, too. But that's besides the point.)
-Thursday. Today. I'm at work, painting itty bitty 4 year old finger and toe nails, and snuggling with my favorite 14 month old in all of Tennessee. Life is good. We are applying to a new, magical, Heaven-like place tomorrow morning, and will know soon all the actual plans. But until then, looks like I have some packing to do.

Last night (Wednesday) my brother was outside riding his dirt bike... as he has done since he was a tiny tot, and he got a little too brave. The results are an extremely painful broken collarbone and lots of Vicodin. Poor sweet Bubby :(
But we are praising God that his injuries aren't more serious, because Drew has always been very accident-prone. My family and I would greatly appreciate your prayers for his healing, his pain and also his complete boredom as he sits in the recliner for the next 2 months.

Also! One last thing! Congratulations to my incredible siblings! The other night, they both passed the super hard test to become certified Scuba-Divers!! They both worked so hard!
So proud of you, Drew and Leah! Sis loves you!

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