Monday, April 2, 2012

Lovely weekend

This weekend was one of the greatest weekends I've ever had. No joke, folks. It was awesome.

On Friday night, three of our sweet friends from Michigan surprised us came to visit us! Being so far away from home and our best friends is very hard, and we are always so giddy the entire week leading up to when they'll be here. After work, I met them and Matthias at Burger Up for dinner. It was our first time there, and it was delicious! The juiciest burger that's ever been in my mouth. Also, I sipped my first alcohol in a public place as a big-bad-grown-up-21-year-old-lady! Woop! Thanks, Mike! The 5 of us stayed up extremely late into the night, I'm talkin' 2:00 a.m., people. Holy smokes. But it was worth it. On Saturday morning we ate Melt-in-Your-Mouth pancakes and spent about 2 hours deciding what we wanted to do for the day.

We did a little hiking.

A little hydrating.

Some exploring.

The brave men went cliff-jumping. Best friends. They're so sweet.

Kayce Wayce  (:

My sweet boy.

Oh, how I miss seeing her every single day.

Kayce takes wonderful pictures.

We may or may not have had a little run-in with some local police officers.... oops. Great story for the grandkids, right?

Just in case I was thinking that the weekend couldn't get any better, God went ahead and blessed me even more. My little sister was in town on her Spring Chorus Tour. (Go check out MDYC!) Matthias, Kayce and I were all in the same chorus in High School. So we spent the evening catching up with the sweet director and lots of good friends. Also, Sweet Sis and her packing partner were able to stay the night at my apartment! God is so good! We had such a fun girls' night!

On Sunday, we went to church and got gas for only $3.59 a gallon!

We enjoyed naps.

And went to the MDYC concert. GO SISSY!

Oh, hey Anthony...

Beautiful girl.
I love you, Leah. So proud of you!

And now 'tis Monday. I peeled myself out of bed and 6 o'clock and went to work. I took the little girls that I nanny for to their Grandma's house for the day. What a nice way to change up our normal schedule. We had so much fun, all of us! And while the girls were napping, their Grandma and I were enjoying coffee/chatting/reading... Just lovely. Then she asked me if I'd like to go home and take the afternoon off. After the crazy, sleep-deprived weekend that I just had?! Absolutely! So now I'm home, relaxing, my favorite song is on and I'm thinking about going outside and reading some good ole' Harry Potter.

Oh, happy day.
God bless Grandma!

I'll leave you with one of my new favorite pictures.
 So in love with him.

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