Monday, June 4, 2012

The Best

You know when your husband comes home from work 4 1/2 hours late, on a Friday night, when you had a pretty awesome Date-Night-In planned for the two of you? And then when he finally is home, as hard as you try, you just can't keep from being ridiculously crabby and irrational? And just when you could almost weep from the mixture of all your emotions swirling around like those crazy fast spinny rides at the carnival that pins you to its walls, he walks toward you, opens his arms, says "Come'ere" and suddenly you melt and things seem a little better? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. And yeah, it's the best.
And you know those Saturday mornings when you wrap up in a blanket and go onto the balcony, sip your coffee and read 3 entire chapters of Harry Potter in one sitting, just because you can?
Yes, also the best.

And then you and your husband have a fight. Right in the middle of your "New and Improved Date Night". Yep, right there in the Lowe's parking lot. But you make up and say "I'm Sorry" because you are madly in love with each other. Then you try a delicious restaurant that you've never been to. And you know when you're in the movie theater, with his hand on your leg and suddenly you can't remember the reason why you were crying in the Lowe's parking lot 2 hours earlier? And then he squeezes your leg to say "I love you" and you can feel it in your heart?...
...It's the best

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