Last week, this beauty turned five months old. How could that be? I swear, I was just waddling around this apartment with an over-ripe watermelon sized belly, with a snack and a quart of lemon water in my hands at all times. And now, the person who lived inside me lays next to me in bed, and my belly is small again (I still always have a snack and lemon water with me).
Here are some pictures of our 5th month with this crazy girl.
This month, you have completely blown me away with your development and personality.
You have gotten so good at reaching for what you want,
and you play by yourself for a whole 30 minutes, sometimes!
You have gotten so good at reaching for what you want,
and you play by yourself for a whole 30 minutes, sometimes!
You smile at me while you're waking up, and hold my hand as you fall asleep.
You are becoming more brave with your voice, and you make sure that you are heard.
You have started sweating in your sleep, and you give the absolute sweetest, slobbery-est kisses.
Still no teeth have poked through, but you sure are working on them.
You are always making your Daddy laugh with your
funny faces and goofy little movements and squeals.
funny faces and goofy little movements and squeals.
As of this past Tuesday, you are sitting up all on your own. We are amazed and so proud of you!
It's getting a little easier to make you laugh, but it's still very hit-or-miss.
You love when I sing to you, and when Daddy sings or plays his guitar.
Living life with you has been a complete joy for us, little girl. We love watching you learn, and we have big prayers and dreams for your life.
We pray that, one day, you will choose to love Jesus and follow Him.
Nothing is more important,
and nothing would make us happier than to see you loving Him.
We pray that, one day, you will choose to love Jesus and follow Him.
Nothing is more important,
and nothing would make us happier than to see you loving Him.
You are awesome.
I love you, my Birdie.
Happy Five Months.