Thursday, April 19, 2012

To my man

To you, oh hubby of mine.

You have been working so hard for us lately, and I never want you to feel that it is unnoticed. I don't think I've ever been so proud of you as I am now, seeing you in this role as a husband. You truly are selfless in our marriage, doing literately everything for me that you can. You have put up with countless nights of my bad mood and selfish whining... We have always said that no one else loves me as much as you do, and that no one else but you can handle me.
The past 8 months have proved both of these things true. Thank you, thank you.

Being able to witness your sweet excitement for the things that God is starting to unfold with your music is so incredible. Not just that, but you are at a job that you absolutely love. After being down here almost 9 months, I can finally feel peace here. Peace in you, peace in me. We are blessed, baby. I'm blessed to get to be your wife. I would follow you around the world, if He asked. Okay, well, I'd be kind of afraid. But I'd do it.

I know how much you worry. In fact, I may be one of the only ones who know how much you worry. But trust me, everything is going to be okay. We've been saying it since we were teenagers and we will say it until the day we die: Everything is going to be okay.
God knows your heart and He sees your worry. He knows your thoughts that are left un-shared when we lay in bed in the dark. He covers you with His hand every morning and takes care of you like only He can. He is good, and He provides. Remember that.
For you, my love. I know you don't really read my blog... I know you think it's a little lame. But I'm hoping that one day you'll decide to wander on over and find this love letter.

Because you are awesome, sweet boy.
My heart is full.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, I do not think in any way that its lame
